Coaching and Employee Performance: The Mediating Role Of Reward and Recognition, Commitment and Learning


1 Department of Management. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Department of Management,Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Administrative sciences , Ferdowsi University of mashhad.



Due to the existing competitive environment that makes the presence of talented human resources in organizations an inevitable necessity, organizations need to use human resource development strategies for organizational development. the effective approaches in the field of human resource development is coaching. the present research; With the aim of investigating the impact of coaching on employee performance with the intermediary role of reward and appreciation, commitment and learning of employees in Golestan Gas Company, it has been done. it is of applied type and in terms of method, it is descriptive-survey type of research. The population of this research; All the official employees of Golestan Gas Company are 184 people, and according to Kerchesi and Morgan's table, 124 were selected as a sample by simple random sampling method. A questionnaire was used to collect data, confirming its validity and reliability. structural equation modeling method and SPSS and Smart PLS software were used. The current research had nine hypotheses that the findings of this research show the relationship between coaching and reward and appreciation, coaching and commitment, coaching and employee learning; It is positive and meaningful. Also reward and appreciation and performance, commitment and performance and learning and performance of employees; They have a positive and meaningful relationship with each other., reward and appreciation, commitment and learning; They significantly mediate the relationship between coaching and employee performance, and their mediating role was confirmed.


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