The effect of the dark triangle of personality on organizational citizenship behavior: the role of rudeness in the work environment and Islamic work ethics

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran

2 Department of Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran



Human resources play an important and fundamental role in gaining and maintaining competitive advantage in organizations, and for this reason, new concepts such as the dark triangle of personality and its relationship with employees' perceptions and behaviors are receiving the attention of researchers. This research was also conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of thedark triangle of personality on organizational citizenship behavior with the role of mediating rudeness in thework environment and moderating Islamic work ethics in Tabriz Petrochemical Company.This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in nature. The statistical population of thepresent study consists of theemployees of Tabriz Petrochemical Company,about 200 people as a sample answered thequestionnaire items based on Cochran's formula and using theavailable sampling method.The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire.In order to measure thevalidity of the questionnaire, face validity has been confirmed using experts' opinions and its reliability or validity has also been confirmed with thehelp of Cronbach's alpha coefficient test and composite reliability.Data were analyzed using spss software and partial least squares method and PLS software.were analyzed.Examining theresults of this research showed that thedark morality of thepersonality directly affects theorganizational citizenship behavior and rudeness inthe workplace,as well as therudeness in theworkplace has a significant effect on theorganizational citizenship behavior and finally theIslamic work ethic has a significant effect on theorganizational citizenship behavior.And impoliteness in theworkplace mediates therelationship between dark personality ethics and organizational citizenship behavior,and Islamic work ethics moderates the relationship between impoliteness in theworkplace and organizational citizenship behavior.


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