Identifying factors affecting the durability of knowledge human resources (case of study: Imam Javad University College)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Masters of Science, faculty of humanities, Imam Javad University College, Yazd, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Imam Javad University College, Yazd, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Management and accounting, University of Yazd, Iran



Universities and higher education institutions have knowledge workers who carry knowledge Therefore, the identification of the factors that make knowledge-oriented human resources last in universities was defined as the goal of the present research. Based on the purpose, the research is applied research, based on the nature, is descriptive research. The statistical community of administrators and faculty members of Imam Javad University numbering 21 people, was defined as experts in the qualitative part of the research, . Metasynthesis and content analysis methods were used to analyze the data of the qualitative part, . using the method of text content analysis , 55 effective indicators on the durability of knowledge human resources were extracted. during the interview , 37 components were identified, and in the axial coding phase, using MAXQDA software, one component was considered for each category of conceptual codes, and finally 11 components were identified. became. In the selective coding stage, based on the components, 30 sub-categories and 11 main categories were extracted. The results of the research show that among the identified components, the work-life balance component, which has been conducted in similar researches, has received less attention, which may be due to the special conditions of the university. Also, the results showed that due to the young and well-educated academic staff, several important indicators such as a sincere work environment, flexible work and an active and dynamic environment express the quality of work life in people's decisions to stay in the Imam Javad university is very influential.


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