Designing a human resource management model for Z generation employees using the GT approach..

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Department of Management and Accounting, Farabi Campus of Tehran University

2 faculty member of university of Tehran

3 Professor of Public Administration Department, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran



The new generation that organizations are facing today and must prepare themselves for their entry is Z Generation. Managers must both understand the individual characteristics of this generation and know how to manage them. The current research seeks to provide a suitable model of human resource management for Z generation employees in IT organizations. Data collection was done by using the snowball sampling method to select experts and through semi-structured interviews with 15 human resource managers and 20 employees of Z generation to analyze the qualitative data collected from the interviews with managers of IT companies. In the framework of the grounded theory strategy, the method of continuous comparison analysis is used. The results were classified in the form of Strauss and Corbin's model in six main categories of causal factors, contextual factors, intervening (mediating), central category, strategies (strategy) and the consequences of applying the human resources model of the new generation of employees. Finally, the results of the research showed that if the human resources model is used for the new generation of employees, this will have three main consequences, which include; Financial and economic consequences are management consequences and extra-organizational consequences.


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