Identifying and Ranking the Factors that Affects the Effectiveness of Staff Training Based on Gamification

Document Type : Original Article


1 َAssociate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative Sciences, semnan university

2 Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan University



Gamification has been one of the topics discussed in recent years, which can be used to increase efficiency and Employees interaction. Properly applied gamification in educational environments will lead to better learning of Employees. This research is based on the purpose of applied research. Given that practical goals are to find solutions to real problems and to develop applied knowledge, applied research is to achieve results in a specific field and method of doing practical work. Also, this research is a descriptive-survey research in terms of data collection, because it has collected data through field studies and questionnaires. The statistical population of this research consists of two parts. In identifying the factors, the opinions of managers, consultants and experts active in the field of training of acceleration complex staff (innovation factory) who are familiar with gaming and experts in the field of game design and gaming are familiar with training. It was taken and the opinions of the gamification experts were used in the ranking section. The population size was 240 people and based on Cochran's relationship, the sample size was 148 people. In the ranking section, the opinions of 10 experts in the working game section were used. In this study, a face-to-face questionnaire was used, because it was possible to explain the ambiguities to the consumer and make them better acquainted with the subject of the research.


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