Identify Mentoring Consequences and Ranking of Them: A mixed Method

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Management group, faculty of management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D., Organizational Behavior Management, Human Resources Manager, ‎Saba Power and Electricity Group, Tehran, Iran&lrm.

3 ‎Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Persian Gulf ‎University, Bushehr, Iran



The purpose of this study is to identify mentoring benefits and ranking the benefits in the ‎Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran. The research method is mixed (qualitative-‎quantitative) and in terms of strategy is case study. To achieve this, after reviewing the ‎mentoring literature community, interview questions were designed and after confirming ‎the validity of the questions, ‎‏15‏‎ people with expertise in the field of human resource ‎development, especially mentoring, were interviewed by purposive sampling. Then, the ‎results of the interviews were analyzed by theme analysis method using Brown and Clark ‎approach and the factors affecting the implementation of the mentoring process in ‎‏9‏‎ sub-‎categories and ‎‏3‏‎ main categories; Benefits for Mentee, Benefits for Mentor and Benefits ‎for Organization were provided. Then, in the quantitative stage of the research, these main ‎and sub-categories were measured using fuzzy hierarchical analysis technique. The results ‎of the research in the second step of the research showed that the category of "Benefits ‎for Mentee" was the most important among the three main categories of benefits of the ‎mentoring process in the Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran. After that, the ‎categories of "Benefits for Organization" and "Benefits for Mentor" are in the second and ‎third ranks. ‎


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