Towards identify a framework for evaluating human resource management based on the HR Standard 34000 in Start-Ups

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran

2 Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, University of Tehran

3 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


Start-ups are currently fighting for acquiring experienced human resources, and the main battle must be in retaining these resources, helping them grow and developing their forces, and building a long-term commitment. The present study aims to provide a model for evaluating human resource management in start-ups based on the Model 34000. Human resource is the most important factor influencing any business, and since employees are recognized as a competitive advantage, start-ups can use this tool to improve. This research is developmental according to the purpose and in terms of data collection is based on the content of the interview, theme analysis and was conducted qualitatively. The statistical sample of this study includes 17 human resource managers and start-ups that have been selected by a homogeneous sampling method. Initial data and information were collected through library resources and archival studies. After conducting interviews and analyzing their content, the model was designed based on the Model 34000.


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