An investigation into the effect of ethical climate for business on facilitators' job attitude and behavior

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Public Administration, School of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University


Facilitators, i.e., persons affecting motivation to perform better as business process implementation advisor, support the group members to achieve the organizational goals. As these individuals face pressures while performing job duties that may cause them to ignore ethical problems, this research was conducted to investigate for the first time the effect of ethical work climate on facilitators' attitude and behavior, as well as the indirect effect of ethical work climate on their turnover. By adding " Altruism" variable in this research, attempts were made to develop DeConinck model of research. Results showed that this variable with correlation coefficient of 0.444 had a significant effect on job commitment.
This research was conducted using descriptive-survey method. Data were collected using questionnaire. In order to analyze data, conformational factor analysis (CFA) technique and partial least squares (PLS)-based structural equation modeling (SEM) were used in SMARTPLS software.
Results show that by their positive effect on job satisfaction, the ethical work climate can increase the commitment of facilitators to the organization and their duties performance and lead to better job performance. Additionally, these two variables can have an indirect negative effect on turnover in these persons. On the other hand, by understanding the concept of ethical work climate, the persons perform their job duties with lower stress, which in turn leads to their better job performance and causes a reduction in the individuals' turnover.


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