The effect of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Performance through the Mediating Role of Employees’ Performance and the Moderation of 34000 Iranian human resources model Implementation in the lubrication industry (Case Study: Pars Oil Company)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of industrial management , Karaj branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran

2 Faculty of management and accounting, Islamic azad university, Karaj, Iran


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of human resource management practices on organizational performance through the mediating role of employee performance and moderation of 34000 human resources model implementation, based on the perception of Pars Oil Company employees. This is an applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey type. Statistical population included 510 people and the statistical sample is estimated to be 219 people using Cochran's formula. Data are collected using a researcher-made questionnaire and performed randomly. To measure the questionnaire validity, formal and content validity and confirmatory factor analysis are used while Cornbrash’s alpha is utilized to measure the reliability with SPSS software. The research hypotheses are tested using path analysis method using AMOS software. The results of this study showed that the positive and direct effect of human resource management practices and the effect of the moderating role of 34000 human resource model on employee performance. The results also showed that the mediating role of employee performance in the relationship between human resource management practices and organizational performance is not significant. So, it is suggested that the processes of the 34000 human resources model be fully implemented in Pars Oil Company.


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