Investigating the effects of brand image on the potential employee’s intention to apply a job through mediating role of employer brand attractiveness (Case Study: students of Tehran University, college of Farabi)

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. Candidate of Business management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University


In today's business environment, organizations increasingly use branding as a strategic tool that this use of the brand has found a way n the field of human resource. Employer brand examines how to attract employees and retain them through the process of branding. This study seeks to evaluate the effect of brand image on the potential employee’s intention to apply a job through mediating role of employer brand attractiveness. The population of this research is the students of Tehran University college of Farabi. The study was a descriptive survey and a questionnaire was used to collect data. Reliability was calculated as 0.92 through Cronbach's alpha coefficient. As well as, its validity was evaluated by factor analysis. Research hypotheses were tested through structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show that the Employer brand image has a positive and significant impact on the Employer brand attractiveness and potential employee’s intention to apply a job. As well as, Employer brand attractiveness has a positive and significant impact on the potential employee’s intention to apply a job. Finally, the indirect impact of brand image on the potential employee’s intention to apply a job through employer brand attractiveness was confirmed. Also, according to the results the organization provided practical recommendations for managers and planners.


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