Explanation of the Effects of Islamic Human Resource Management on Organizational Commitment Focusing on the Mediating Role of Organizational Trust (Case Study: Yazd Police Force)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ardakan University, Iran

2 ardakan university


Understanding the Qur'anic guidelines in Islamic contexts and human resource management and implementing its right principles can be a basis for positive changes in employees' attitudes toward work and the workplace that this matter, in turn, will improve the performance level of the organization. In this research organizational commitment and organizational trust are considered as two of the most important organizational attitudes, then the present study aimed to investigate the impact of Islamic human resource management on organizational commitment of employees by considering the mediating role of organizational trust. The statistical population of this research is the Islamic Republic of Iran Police Force employees in Yazd which consisted a total number of 248 that 150 of them have been chosen as a sample by using Cochran formula and cluster sampling method for limited population. Required data have been gathered through Islamic human resource management, organizational trust and organizational commitment questionnaires with acceptable validity and reliability. Research data analyzing and hypothesis testing have been done by using SPSS Software and structural equation modeling by Smart PLS-3. The results of this study indicate that Islamic human resource management has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment and organizational trust and also organizational trust directly affects organizational commitment. On the other hand; the mediating role of organizational trust in the relationship between Islamic human resource management and organizational commitment has been confirmed.


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