Studying the effect of continuing education on job performance and perceived career success

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant prof., Faculty of Management & Accounting, University of Hormozgan

2 University of Hormozgan

3 Business Management, Faculty of Management & Accounting, University of Hormozgan, bandarabbas, I.R.IRAN


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of continuing education on job performance and perceived career success and to identify the advantages and obstacles of continuing education of the employees. The research is applied in terms of method and uses a mixed method. In the quantitative part, two standard questionnaires and in the qualitative part the content analysis approach were selected for data analysis.  In this study, the conceptual model was tested in Sarkhoon and Qeshm Gas Refining Company using structural equation method. The results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between the continuing education and perceived job success, the continuing education and job performance and the role of the mediator of the perceived job success and the continuing education and job performance in first, second and third hypothesis respectively. In the qualitative part, the results also showed that systemic attitude, career development, innovation and initiative are the benefits of continuing education and increasing stress, job stress, academic inadequacy and decreasing group participation are the challenges of continuing education.


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