The combination of effective factors on the effectiveness of e-learning systems in Mazandaran University

Document Type : Original Article


1 employee of university of mazandaran

2 PhD in educational planning, professor of the Department of Educational Sciences, Mazandaran University. Babolsar, Iran.



Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to e-learning in the educational system. This educational system consists of factors that have a significant impact on the success of the e-learning process and lead to the improvement or reduction of the quality of the implementation of the e-learning system. The aim of the current research is to provide a comprehensive classification of the challenges of implementing participatory governance in higher education based on studies in this field and their analysis using the meta-composite method. The current research method is qualitative with an exploratory approach. From the objective point of view, it is an explanatory-applied research. In this method, by using the meta-combination method and selecting about 150 articles and related researches, which are mostly from 2010 to 2022 and collected from various reliable scientific databases, finally using this method, 100 selected articles were identified and effective factors in improving the implementation. The electronic education system was identified. Finally, the researcher found 188 codes, 28 subcategories and 5 main categories or the same factors. As a result, the factors of planning and determining the application perspective, hardware and software factors, content and learning factors, support factors and functional analysis factors and feedback were introduced as the most important factors in improving the electronic learning system for implementation.


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