Understanding the transition process of governors of the Islamic Republic of Iran with a grounded theory approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 public management, management and economy faculty, tarbiat modares university, tehran, iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University

3 Professor of Tarbiat Modares University

4 Tarbiat modares university



This study aimed to understand the transition process of governors in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The study used a qualitative research approach and developed a grounded theory. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with nine previous governors and reviewing three former governors' biographies.
Result: The study found that governors in the Islamic Republic of Iran experience confusion between institutional fields during the transition process. To overcome this confusion, governors employ tactics to discover institutional fields, develop communication channels, build connections with individuals within these fields, and exert influence over these fields. The governor's cultural and social capital are contextual aspects that play a role in this process. There are also intervening elements that are outside the governor's control, such as the public's perception of the government, the governor's legal standing and authority, the competence of the interior minister, and the province's degree of development.
The study's findings provide a model for the transition process that can be used to support new governors in their transition to the governorate. The model emphasizes the importance of discovering institutional fields, developing communication channels, building connections with individuals within these fields, and exerting influence over these fields. The findings highlight the importance of contextual aspects and intervening elements that are outside the governor's control. The study's results may be useful in enhancing the performance of governors during their transition process and improving the governance of provinces in the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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