The position of belief functions structure in performance evaluation measures: a new approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of industrial engineering/ Payame Noor University/ Tehran/ Iran

2 Department of Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran



Performance evaluation is one of the management processes,, the accuracy and validity of the results of this process is of great importance. In the performance evaluation process. common performance evaluation scales do not have the appropriate capability of modeling and dealing with uncertainty. Among the methods of dealing with uncertainty, the theory of belief functions is a suitable structure for gathering inconclusive opinions from evaluators and it has the ability to simultaneously face the uncertainty caused by the variability and uncertainty of the lack of knowledge. In this paper, a new way to get opinions from evaluators based on belief functions structure was presented and the advantages and improvements of the presented model were compared to the common metrics used in the performance evaluation process. Two questionnaires were prepared to evaluate different scales including Likert , Fuzzy Linguistic , Visual Analogue and Belief Functions. The first questionnaire contains 5 simple questions and the second questionnaire contains 3 complex questions. after summarizing the results of each questionnaire, a survey was conducted regarding the acceptability of the obtained results. According to the data conditions, one-way ANOVA test and Friedman's non-parametric test were used to analyze. The results of the implementation of the model in evaluating the performance of university lecturers showed that the advantages of the belief functions structure in the face of uncertainty can facilitate the possibility of expressing opinions for evaluators and improve the final results of the evaluation.


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