Explanation and measurement the indicators of corporate social responsibility towards employees; Case study: Hormozgan Regional Electricity Company

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas, Iran.

3 MSc. Business management, Department of Management, University of Hormozgan, Iran



Organizations are expected to be sensitive and conscious of their responsibilities to each of the organization's stakeholders in the pursuit of their financial benefits. Employees are one of the most important stakeholders for which the organization should be responsible and so must know what responsibilities it has towards them. However, most studies on corporate social responsibility(CSR) have focused on external stakeholders such as customers and the community, and less attention has been paid to the organization's responsibilities to employees.
The present study is a multi-stage study that has been conducted with the aim of identifying the dimensions and indicators of CSR towards employees. First, by studying the theoretical foundations, dimensions and indicators of CSR towards employees were extracted from the research literature. Then, the identified dimensions and indicators were given to a group of 9 experts of Hormozgan Regional Electricity Company who were purposefully selected and their opinions on the appropriateness of indicators with the performance of the electricity company and how to measure them were collected. Finally, the performance of Hormozgan Regional Electricity Company was evaluated in the identified indicators.
7 Dimensions including employment, management and staff relations, occupational safety and health, education and training, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, creation of decent and fair working conditions, and freedom to participate in unions and collective bargaining, with total of 15 indicators were identified. The results of evaluating the performance of Hormozgan Regional Electricity Company in the identified indicators are also provided along with suggestions for improving the situation.


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