explaining the role of positive organizational phenomena on Employees' mental health (a case study)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ardakan University, Iran

2 Master of Islamic Human Resource Management, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ardakan University, Iran


The counter productive workplace behaviors in organizations, affects, physical mental health, and work performance of individuals. also, this reduces or destroys effective results of positive phenomena. Therefore, for future of organization, preventive approach is a better investment. The present study was carried out in order to evaluate of the role of organizational bullying moderation in relation to positive phenomena and mental health. Thus in this study, 196 persons who were selected from Staff department of PNU of country as statistical society and determined based on Cochran formula. assessment tools consisted of Ware et al mental health questionnaires (MHI-5) (1993), Keashly et al Positive individual treatments (1994), Cameron et al organizational virtuousness (2004) and Einarsen and hoel organizational bullying (2001). Data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling by SMART PLS software. The results showed that organizational virtuousness and Positive individual treatment have significant relation with mental health and organizational bullying variable on relationship organizational virtuousness and Positive individual treatment variables play as the role of moderation on mental health.


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