The Impact of Strategic Human Resource of Organization and Employee Assertiveness on Open Innovation

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Business Management, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Business Management, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


Open innovation is one of the main approaches that has significant efficiency which is suitable and commensurate with the modernization of societies and economies. Employees are the heart of innovation and creativity of an organization. This study seeks to investigate the effect of the role of strategic human resources and employee assertiveness on open innovation in Hamadan Glass Company. The statistical population of the study is all employees and managers of the company who have at least 5 years of experience. Based on the sampling formula, 269 questionnaires were distributed among members using the non-probability sampling method. After confirming its validity and reliability, Due to the normality of the research variables, data analysis was performed using Amos software and the results showed that there is a significant difference in terms of open innovation between different gender groups, activity history and age groups. Among the research hypotheses, employee assertiveness and human resource strategic roles have a direct and significant effect on open innovation; also the effect of mediating employee assertiveness through human resource strategy on open innovation is more than its independent state


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