The Impact of Green Human Resource Management and Environmental Practices on Sustainable Performance in Downstream Petrochemical Industries

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Management, faculty of management, university of Tehran.

2 Assistant Professor, Industrial Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, 75169, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr,75169, Iran


Nowadays, environmentalism is a new paradigm for improving the organizations performance. Aligning green human resource management activities as the main organizational asset with the environmental organizations practices is essential. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of green human resource management components and the organization's environmental practices on the sustainable performance in downstream petrochemical industries. Based on the main purpose, the present study is among the applied researches and from the view point of data collection method, it is descriptive-survey and correlational. The statistical population this study includes downstream petrochemical industries located in Bushehr province that 72 of them were selected as sample members by simple random sampling method. In this study, the necessary data were collected through a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by content validity and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. Data analysis was performed by structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach. Findings showed that green human resource management has a positive and significant effect on the sustainable performance in downstream petrochemical industries directly and also through the mediation of the organization's environmental practices.


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