Identifying, framework and prioritizing the factors affecting Job rotation in the branches of Export Development Bank

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Management, Department, Payame Noor University of Shiraz, Iran.

2 Master's Degree in Public Administration, Payame Noor University of Shiraz

3 Master of Business Administration, University of Shiraz, Iran.


The purpose of this study is to Identifying, framework and prioritizing the factors affecting Job rotation in the branches of Export Development Bank The present study is considered as an applied research in terms of purpose. In terms of the nature of the data, it is quantitative . In terms of logic, induction and time horizon is cross-sectional and has been done in real and non-laboratory environment. the method used is descriptive. The statistical population included the first group of experts who reached a consensus with 12 opinions using available judgment sampling method and saturation rule. The second group is branch employees who estimated an estimated 270 samples using Morgan table and were selected by non-random sampling method. The best-worst fuzzy questionnaire and a researcher-made questionnaire were used to collect data. Lingo software and Pearson test were used to analyze the data using SPSS software.The final factors in order of rank and priority are: interest in increasing job skills, career advancement, family companionship, legal coercion for managers, climatic conditions of the regions, responsibilities before and during relocation, being married, having a strong relationship with officials, problems Family, the organization's need for manpower, the degree of deprivation of the place of employment, change of unfavorable working conditions, satisfaction with the behavior and management of the branch, type of specialization, facilities of the place of work. The results of Pearson test show that there is a significant relationship between final factors and job turnover.


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