The Effect of Psychological Empowerment on Employee Success: Explaining the Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Executive Management, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, University of Mazandaran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, University of Mazandaran

3 Master of Business Administration, University of Mazandaran


The purpose of current study was to investigate the effect of Psychological Empowerment on Employee’s career success: Explaining the mediating role of Perceived organizational support. organization The population consists employees’ of central departement of Amozesh fani & herfei in Tehran. Out of 222 Employees has been selected selected as a sample of research .Tools used in this study were Included subjective career success questionnaire (career satisfaction) greerhause (1990), perceived organizational support questionnaire, Eisenberger;et al(1986)and Spreitzer(1995), Whetten and Cameron(2011) Psychological Empowerment questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire that calculated by using Cronbach's alpha with SPSS19 software , was 0/93 % . Using structural equation modeling to test the hypothesis by using LISREL8/5 software.Finally, the results showed that psychological empowerment , has a direct impact on Employee’s career success ( path coefficient 0/76 ) and Perceived organizational support, has a direct impact on Employee’s career success( path coefficient 0/54 ). On the other hand Psychological empowerment by perceived organizational support has a direct impact on Employee’s career success( path coefficient 0/12). The Friedman test shows that Factors associated with Psychological empowerment have not same rating level of feeling competency and Feeling confident is the lowest rating.


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