A model for evaluating the human resource management system with a strategic approach (Case study: National Iranian Petrochemical Industries)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Business Management, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Business Management, , Persian Gulf University

3 Associate Professor of Business Management,, Persian Gulf University


Human resources are considered a valuable and unique resource. Today, new perspectives on human resource management system evaluation and modeling are becoming more and more prominent. The human resource system evaluation models seek to make the most of this resource in order to achieve organizational goals. The aim of this study is to identify a model for evaluating the human resource management system with a strategic approach and after the implementation of the model, what benefits the studied companies gain. Based on this, two qualitative approaches were used. First, Delphi was used to identify the appropriate model for evaluating the human resource management system, and then a case study was conducted to implement the model in several petrochemical companies. For this purpose, first 20 human resource experts, including organizational managers and university professors, were selected by the targeted sampling method, and the steps of the Delphi method were performed with the opinion of these people. As a result of this section, 4 dimensions, 28 components and 109 indicators were identified as the most important indicators for evaluating the human resource management system with a strategic approach. Then, 3 petrochemical companies were selected by targeted sampling method and their maximum human resource management system was evaluated.


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